Expired Friendships

Socially, there isn't much worse than finally getting together with an old friend that you haven't seen in ages just to feel...nothing.  No chemistry, no easy-flowing conversation, no...comfort. It's almost easier to have a big fight with someone and never speak to them again.  (Not that it feels great to lose a friend that way…

Screw Your Niche

I'm what us millenials like to call multi-passionate.  Ironic, considering one of my last posts (over a year ago...I'm on a strict posting schedule, clearly) was all about how I had no interests and no idea what to blog about, and the frustration of wanting to write but having nothing to say.  I've started to…

Cups, Christmas, and Outrage Culture

I think most Americans can relate to this: I am exhausted.  Election season is slowly grinding to a halt, and no matter the outcome, I'm dreading the aftermath.  I'm tired of the constant fighting on social media, family gatherings, and even workplaces.  I'm tired of the memes.  I'm tired of hearing Trump say something offensive…

Obligatory 2016 Post | Balance

2015 is over.  And it ended on a sour note for me and my family.  On December 14th my maternal grandmother died, three days before I was heading up to visit her (among most of my other family members).  On December 21st my other grandma (who wasn't technically my grandma but might as well have…

Bitch Planet Vol. 1: Extraordinary Machine | Book Review

Generally speaking, I don't read comic books.  I've flipped through an issue here and there of various series, and I've read a couple mangas back in the day, but that's about it.  Recently, however, I was perusing at Barnes & Noble and was about to leave when I glanced at one of the display tables…

Too Cool for School

I recently was reminded of those collections of embarrassing moments often found near the end of magazines aimed at pre-teen girls.  I'm not sure what exactly made me think of them, but I remember reading those and a) being relieved that I had never experienced those particular embarrassing moments personally, and b) trying to figure…

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up | Impressions of a Book

Hello there!  Today I thought I'd offer something a little different from my usual moaning and talk about a book I bought less than 24 hours ago. I first heard about The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing (Marie Kondo) from vlogger Grace Helbig and mostly forgot about it until I…

How Loving My Hair Helped Me Love Myself

I've been a little obsessed with my hair lately.  (By lately I mean for my entire life...) I used to really hate my hair.  I was one of the many girls who felt the need to heat-style her hair every day in high school.  I wanted to highlight the hell out of it.  I definitely…

Residual Feelings About Different Feelings

On Saturday the third, J and I went to an Idina Menzel concert at the Hollywood Bowl.  I hardly took any photos and I already feel like I've forgotten most of it.  Funny how the mind works. What I haven't forgotten is the weird feeling it left me with.  Idina Menzel represents everything I wanted…

The Passion Conundrum

Every once and awhile I like to torture myself by falling into the trap of Googling "how to blog" hoping that I'll click a magical link that will transport me to an alternate reality, in which I post regularly, have a real computer and a nice camera, and my blog has so many readers that…